Omega 3 and Hot Flushes

Omega 3 and Hot Flushes

Do you struggle with hot flushes?   They are a frequently reported symptom associated with the menopause - and can start in the peri-menopause period and continue well into menopause.  

There have been a few studies looking at the effect of omega-3 fats on menopausal symptoms, and while some have shown benefits from omega-3 supplementation on hot flushes, other studies have not.  I was excited therefore to read a recent paper (published 2019) reporting on a randomised controlled trial - the gold standard in science trials - where two protocols are run side by side with participants randomly assigned to one or the other, and blind as to which group they are in.

This study compared 2 groups of women following a vegetarian diet - with the addition of either olive oil or plant-based omega 3 fats.  The fats were all consumed in the food form - and not from supplements.

The results did show an improvement in hot flushes between the groups - with the omega-3 consuming group showing a larger improvement in hot flushes compared to the olive oil group.  As for all such research, we can’t guarantee that results observed in a specific group - in this case Italian women meeting certain criteria and following a vegetarian diet - can be extrapolated to a different population - but such studies all help to inform the wider picture.

I’m a huge fan of omega-3 - it is an essential fat - which means our bodies need to consume it in our diet and can’t ‘make’ it ourselves.  It’s anti-inflammatory and is present throughout our body - but especially in our brain.  

If you’re looking to consume more omega-3 the most ‘bio-available’ form is that found in oily fish and pasture-raised meat.  For plant sources look at flax and hemp seeds  and especially their (cold pressed) oil, chia seeds and walnuts.  

The information contained in this post/blog/website is for general information purposes only and is not meant to substitute professional dietary advice or treatment.  Consult your doctor or healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet or taking supplements

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