Leftover Love

Leftover Love

I'm a leftover lover.  Working from home it's the fastest way to have something to grab for lunch.

But the secret is to make it seem more than it is - and a well-assembled meal of scraps and leftovers can be a delicious treat - in next to no time.

Today's lunch was a case in point - 2 leftover chicken thighs, a little rectangle of feta, 2 tired carrots and a 1/4 Kohlrabi.

So I stripped the chicken legs, and put them under the grill to warm up - with the feta, and then made lettuce wraps with them.

I made a quick coleslaw with grated carrot and kohlrabi matchsticks - and brought it to life with a quick dressing:  1/2 lemon juice, heaped tbsp greek yoghurt, tsp grainy mustard, dash olive oil, pinch dark brown sugar and salt and pepper.  I added walnuts and dried cranberries for interest.

Tempting, delicious and packed with interest, nutrients and plant food goodness.

I'd love to know what creations you come up with in the kitchen!

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